Take 50+ years of life, add thousands of traumatic experiences and sprinkle in a touch of arrogance and know-it-all-ism’s and what do you get? A Middle Age Mess, where noted author/curmudgeon Dan Indante walks you through everything you need to know to stumble, bumble and fail your way through your Not So Golden Years.
Learning to Lead: Margaret Van Steenderen - Middle Age Mess, Episode 49
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Margaret Van Steenderen has spent her career leading people and teaching others how to lead. So what did I talk to her about? Of course, apartheid! Margaret grew up in South Africa during apartheid and has a unique insight into the functioning of a society that no longer exists. That experience shaped her journey through the corporate world into the space she now occupies, training and guiding leaders throughout the world.
Nisha Srivastava - Pilates Guru
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Nisha talks about the effect of having a purpose, a dream, a legacy on your physical body
Let's Get To Dating - Kelly Bonanno
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Matchmaker Kelly Bonanno tells it like it is when it comes to modern dating.
My First Sober Year: Julie Fontes - Middle Age Mess, Episode 48
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Julie Fontes got tired of drinking one day so she just decided to stop. No programs, no rehab, just "uh yeah, I'll have a Diet Coke from now on." What do you do when you've taken what should be a minor behavioral modification and watched your entire community lose their minds over it? You write a book, of course. "Like A Normal Person" is Julie's debut novel where she describes a normal year of not drinking in a world that doesn't think that's so normal.
Just jump! - Amira Nystrom
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Amira Nystrom from www.epicmauihikes.com talks about how to overcome your fears
Marine, Therapist, Alaskan - Penny McGoey
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No One Has Ever Survived This: Amira Nystrom - Middle Age Mess, Episode 47
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Amira Nystrom is literally a miracle. At 21yo, she went into brain surgery being told by her doctor that nobody had ever survived that procedure. Her chances of making it through the surgery and NOT becoming a vegetable were less than 1%. Of course, she made it. She then seemingly cured her chronic Crohn's Disease by simply deciding she didn't want it anymore and living her life in that manner. Then, without qualifications, experience or training, she started an Epic Adventure business and a hypnotherapy practice which are both thriving more than a decade later. On second thought, she's either a miracle or from another planet. Regardless, check out the latest episode of Middle Age Mess or find Amira at www.epicmauihikes.com.
Overcoming Challenges: Arias Webster Berry - Middle Age Mess, Episode 46
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Arias Webster Berry did not exactly grow up on the mean streets since he spent much of his childhood in San Diego, California; however, to do so when both parents are incarcerated for a good portion of your youth ain't so easy. He managed to get through, mending ties with both parents over time and then migrated into the music business producing events with such stars as Janelle Monae, Ludacris and Common before starting his own multi-million dollar marketing company which continues to expand throughout the country.
Talking About The Jews: Giddon Barad - Middle Age Mess
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As a podcaster, you occasionally get to talk about what's going on in your mind and, since October 7, 2023, I've spent much time thinking about the world's perception of Israel and Jews after the horrific Hamas terrorist attack that killed 1,200 people on that date. So, I invited my Israeli friend, Giddon Barad, on the show to discuss our thoughts and feelings regarding the manner in which Israel and Jews in general have been treated throughout the world over the past year.