Author indante
Dan Indante is the author or co-author of three books: The Complete A**Hole’s Guide to Handling Chicks, The Complete A**Hole Dad and 40 Is The New 90. Indante lovingly refers to this literary portfolio as his Trilogy of Depression. If you appreciate his previous writings, you can visit any bathroom wall in Las Vegas and probably find some of his most recent essays.

40 is The New 90
Bitter, sarcastic curmudgeon, Dan Indante, has finally tackled an opponent even his acerbic keyboard cannot beat – his own mortality. Follow him for a year right in the middle of his Middle Age years when he tries, but fails, to fight off a seemingly endless array of old-age inflicted maladies, ranging from his rapidly metastasizing bald spot to his incredible shrinking bladder to his fading interest in the 25-year-old-girls who would no longer be caught dead in a room with him alone. Life as a pseudo-senior citizen is supposed to be funny. Isn’t it?
Parenting 101
Finally someone has “the Sack” to tell it like it is. I read this book in two days and laughed all the way through. This should be a “must read” for couples planning to have children. I don’t have children and don’t want them, they’re too sticky for me, so this…

40 is The New 90
Bitter, sarcastic curmudgeon, Dan Indante, has finally tackled an opponent even his acerbic keyboard cannot beat – his own mortality. Follow him for a year right in the middle of his Middle Age years when he tries, but fails, to fight off a seemingly endless array of old-age inflicted maladies, ranging from his rapidly metastasizing bald spot to his incredible shrinking bladder to his fading interest in the 25-year-old-girls who would no longer be caught dead in a room with him alone. Life as a pseudo-senior citizen is supposed to be funny. Isn’t it?

the complete a**hole dad: random musings of an inappropriate parent
Kindle, Paperback
Dan Indante is a bitter, vindictive attorney most famous for writing the seminal relationship book The Complete A**hole’s Guide To Handling Chicks, quite possibly the most offensive work in the history of American literature. Now, still lacking any sense of maturity 40-plus-year-old, fat, balding, unrepentant Dan pretends to be a model parent during PTA meetings and Little League games while secretly writing hateful screeds (like this book) which rage against the banality of modern parenting.
two words: f**cking hilarious
If you enjoy humor with a side of sarcasm, this book is for you. I am not really a “reader” in that I don’t regularly buy books, and when I do, I rarely finish reading them. However, this was the exception. I read this book in two days and found myself laughing and chuckling.

the complete a**hole dad: random musings of an inappropriate parent
Kindle, Paperback
Dan Indante is a bitter, vindictive attorney most famous for writing the seminal relationship book The Complete A**hole’s Guide To Handling Chicks, quite possibly the most offensive work in the history of American literature. Now, still lacking any sense of maturity 40-plus-year-old, fat, balding, unrepentant Dan pretends to be a model parent during PTA meetings and Little League games while secretly writing hateful screeds (like this book) which rage against the banality of modern parenting.

the complete a**hole’s guide to handling chicks
Kindle, Paperback
The Complete A**hole’s Guide isn’t like all the other candy-ass relationship books on the market; it doesn’t cover issues like romance and love. So, if that’s what you’re looking for, there are plenty of other books you can hide under your skirt as you skip out of the store. This book is about controlling the women in your life, and never having to say you’re sorry . . . EVER AGAIN! By illustrating the insanity of the female mind, we’ll show you why their flawed psyche causes them to fall for the a**hole, no matter how many times they get burned.
To Every Joke There Is Some Truth
One of the funniest and most entertaining books I have read. Very good and sound advice with a chauvinistic twist. This book is not for the nice, gentle, emotional, sweet, and sensitive guys who always end up in the friends zone. This is a book for the guy who is tired of getting stepped on and..

the complete a**hole’s guide to handling chicks
Kindle, Paperback
The Complete A**hole’s Guide isn’t like all the other candy-ass relationship books on the market; it doesn’t cover issues like romance and love. So, if that’s what you’re looking for, there are plenty of other books you can hide under your skirt as you skip out of the store. This book is about controlling the women in your life, and never having to say you’re sorry . . . EVER AGAIN! By illustrating the insanity of the female mind, we’ll show you why their flawed psyche causes them to fall for the a**hole, no matter how many times they get burned.